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Nortel AA1419081-E6

Nortel AA1419081-E6

Buy good price,worldwide fast delivery and 100% compatible Nortel AA1419081-E6 from the warehouse of the direct manufacturer, get Nortel AA1419081-E6 from the optical fiber transceiver factory, saving the money in your pocket instead of buying from online store retailers. We make and store the Nortel AA1419081-E6 compatible transceivers. We send the Nortel AA1419081-E6 from our factory warehouse to worldwide customers by EXPRESS and we make sure the Nortel AA1419081-E6 is fully compatible with your system.

Nortel AA1419081-E6 Transceiver descriptions
This Nortel compliant AA1419081-E6 is a 100BASE-LX SFP 1310nm 10km transceiver product. The AA1419081-E6 transceiver product provides cost-effective and excellent connection. The AA1419081-E6 is 100% compatible with all Nortel brand equipment which support SFP transceivers.

Nortel AA1419081-E6 Module specifications and tech-data
Transceiver type: SFP
Device Type: Transceiver module
Interface (Bus) Type: Plug-in module
Connectivity Technology: Wired
Application: 100BASE-LX
Transceiver data-rate: 100Mbps
Wavelength: 1310nm
Max Distance: 10km
Fiber Type: SMF/MMF
Connector: Duplex LC
DDM: Without DDM
Wworking temperature: 0~70 °C
Compliant with MSA SFP Specification

Huihong Technologies is one of the leading optical transceiver supplier,we make compatible Nortel AA1419081-E6 transceivers, you will find the cost-effective modules here and you will find our Nortel AA1419081-E6 beyond your expectation, it is the one-stop source for optical fiber transceivers right here,welcome to contact us for your fiber optic transceiver requirement.


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Fiber Optic Applications

  • Fiber Optic Interconnect
  • Data centers
  • Military Fiber Optics
  • Medical Fiber Optics
  • Broadcast Fiber Optics

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