Redback XFP-10GE-LR |
Buy good price,worldwide fast delivery and 100% compatible Redback XFP-10GE-LR from the warehouse of the direct manufacturer, get Redback XFP-10GE-LR from the optical fiber transceiver factory, saving the money in your pocket instead of buying from online store retailers. We make and store the Redback XFP-10GE-LR compatible transceivers. We send the Redback XFP-10GE-LR from our factory warehouse to worldwide customers by EXPRESS and we make sure the Redback XFP-10GE-LR is fully compatible with your system. |
Please use this Contact Form or write to [email protected], we will reply as soon as possible.
Compatible Transceivers |
Transceiver Cables |
100G QSFP28 |
40G QSFP |
25G SFP28 |
10G SFP+ |
1G SFP |
XFP Transceivers |
Fiber Video Transceiver |
Fiber Optic Converter |
1X9 Fiber Optic Transceiver |
Fiber Optic Test Equipment |
Fiber Optic Tool Kits |
Huihong TechnologiesAdd:6F,1st Bldg,ZYT industrial park, Shiyan area,Shenzhen,ChinaEmail:[email protected] Tel: 86.755.61230063 Fax:86.755.61230065 |
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