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Get Fast Service & Low Prices on X2-10GB-ZR= Cisco Systems 10GBZR X2 Modules from the direct manufacturer in China. This Cisco compliant XENPAK-10GB-ZR is a 10GBASE-ZR XENPAK 1550nm 80km transceiver module. Guaranteed 100% compatible, Brand new, Xenpak 10 GB zr compatible products, find cheap Xenpak 10gb zr compatible products from good quality supplier. industry-standard XENPAK-10GB-ZR is a hot-swappable input/output device that plugs into a Gigabit Ethernet slot, linking the port with the fiber-optic network. Maximize the efficiency of your network with Cisco compatible GBIC and GLC optic module now stocks a complete line of both Cisco original and 3rd party Cisco compatible optic modules. In our continuous efforts to deliver the highest level of customer service, the Cisco XENPAK-10GB-ZR can be shipped from stock very fast.

XENPAK-10GB-ZR General Information
Product Number: XENPAK-10GB-ZR
Product Name: Cisco 10GBase-ZR XENPAK
Form Factor: Plug-in module
Device Type: Transceiver module

XENPAK-10GB-ZR Technical Specifications
Product Type: XENPAK
Data Rate: 10Gbps
Wavelength: 1550nm
Data range: 80km (49.7 miles)
Connector Type: SC Duplex
Cable Type: Single-Mode Fiber (SMF)

We have the XENPAK-10GB-ZR transceiver in stock, tested, and ready to ship today. The XENPAK-10GB-ZR transceiver module provides a low cost high-performance connection. The XENPAK-10GB-ZR is 100% compatible with all Cisco series switches and modules which support XENPAK transceivers.


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